Wessex Lifts Stairlifts
A traditional stairlift may not be suitable for you. Perhaps you use a wheelchair or cannot fit a stairlift to your staircase. In this case, you might consider Wessex lifts as innovative alternatives.
One of its products is the Wessex Home Lift, a sizeable platform available in six models that can carry a wheelchair through the floor without need of a load bearing wall.
The Step Lift SP500 is a wheelchair stairlift that can go over or alongside one or two steps, going as high as 500 mm, while the Step Lift SB800 can lift to 800 mm or 1,000 mm, for through and side access respectively.
In addition, the Low Rise Lifting Platform LR range allows people to accommodate level changes.
These are all products suitable for private homes, but Wessex lifts also offer several products that suit public access buildings.
If you are uncertain, you can get a home survey from Wessex free of charge and without any obligation.
Wessex lifts may take a few days to install, but this is necessary as they are not standard stairlifts. Fitters will clear up the area when they are finished and ensure that you understand how to use the lift before they leave.