Mobility Scooter Reviews Mobility Scooters
When buying a mobility scooter, you should consider talking in depth to a supplier or taking advice from an occupational therapist before you make your final decision. They will be able to provide you with recommendations about any equipment or adaptions you may need.
As there are many different types of mobility scooters available, it’s important to have read reviews as they vary in category class, restrictions, speed, accessories, and even whether they’re legal on UK roads or not.
The website is a good place to start you research as they are a dedicated supplier of mobility scooter offering benefits like free delivery, free home call-out, and three month free insurance packages.
There is also a wide range of scooters available, with detailed information on lightweight mobility scooters, folding mobility scooters, mid-range scooters restricted to 4mph, Class 3 scooters ranging up to 8mph, Bariatric scooters, as well as all the accessories you’ll need and the batteries that the scooter requires.
You can call to speak to a team of experts by phoning 01572 363 259.
Alternatively, be sure to visit for all the latest information and regular updates from the UK Care Guide.
Here, you can source information regarding the best mobility scooter available in shops, read about the best options regarding value for money, gather information on whether a Class 2 or a Class 3 scooter is best or your needs, as well as other details regarding battery life and accessories included.
In short, gone are the days when a person is required to manually push a wheelchair around.
There are many types of mobility scooter available and individuals with disabilities or the elderly can now easily and comfortably move around.
Mobility scooters bring about a lot of independence, make places accessible, conserve energy and are also very safe. This is why choosing the right mobility scooter is fundamental, and why we can assist you on your journey.